The stormy weather's kept itself going for nearly 2 weeks now but finally looks like giving us a break this weekend. We've therefore had few distractions from getting on with business which has mostly been paperwork & website building. PiwiWiwi's about ready for us to start promoting but the more people look at it the more feedback we can get.
The weather seemed to have claimed a flock of Shearwaters or Petrels. Yesterday walking into town along the beach there were literally 100s, at least 200, maybe 300 washed up at the high tide line. Very sad to see. They've hit the news, little. They were 'Prions' & you can read about it here.
Despite being stormy, yesterday was the only fully 'grey' day we've had. More typically its been sudden changes between bright sun, torrential rain, powerful squalls of wind with a little thunder, lightning & hail thrown in for good measure. Its been not been unusual to be getting soaked by sun & rain at the same time while an amazingly bright rainbow shines over the mountain. No wonder the Maori have a god of rainbows! In fact, as I write this that's exactly what's happening. Half the sky's black, half's blue, the sun's shining low over the angry sea & there must a rainbow somewhere around. Luckily I'm in the van, under a duvet. Scott said New Zealand was a 'big Wales' but the weather's a bit more extreme I'd say. Also, NZ has a place name longer than Llanfair pg. It's something about notable knees according to the translation.
Work, as previously mentioned, involves words; writing a comprehensive Terms & Conditions for our Campervan company is hard work. Hopefully we've got it right & fair. Its such an important document we'll be having an NZ lawyer check it for us before making it official. We've also done a lot of information adding to the website & PiwiWiwi is taking shape. Tonight we'll work on the look & feel, hopefully adding loads of nice pictures to make it more alluring. Then tomorrow we promote it on Google & Facebook. Please don't click through an advertised link if you see one - every click costs us! Please do type the address in manually & let us know what you think of the site, we need feedback. I've got to mention here mountain-biking (dang I'm missing my bike!) mate Tim Plumb of who made our website's theme & Steve Blackwell, an ex-colleague from CAT who's helping out a bit & Cam for providing us with tons of great photos.
Well, that's me about up to date. Oh, except for mentioning Raglan cinema. One is at The Old School where we blagged the sofa & saw 'Last Paradise', a very interesting & thought provoking film with some awesome historic footage. It explains NZ's involvement in the surfing (& other board sports) explosion. Apparently Mickey Dora came here to escape the commercialisation of California back in the day! The other cinema is Tony's house, a large, curious mix of cafe, ramshackle & art collection where Tony extends a warm welcome to all & sundry. Here we got to watch 'Exit Through The Giftshop', the Banksy film that's very good, odd & interesting. Is 'Mister Brainwash' for real or is he washing your brain?
Right, that's definitely enough from me. Time to watch the latest storm roll through & then hopefully the sunset.
Our Vans All Registered to PiwiWiwi Ltd
Nice Sky
It rose more than expected
But turned out well
In the estuary
The windsock we can see from our house showing strong onshore all week - yuk
Van Strap Clamps
Lumpy sea, literally
Dead Prions
Sunset from the kitchen window
Cold website work
Morning estuary
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